This is another name for "cooked control mode", where you are locking the user out of controlling the rocket. If you set the boolean to true
it will lock, if you set it to false it will unlock. The string you provide determines which set of controls it should lock out. For example
passing in "throttle" will lock the throttle, "steering" for steering, etc.
This function is both used for compiling KerboScript files, and loading them into memory as shared libraries. Due to this, the arguments have a few
different possibilities.
If you are trying to compile a .ks file:
The first argument should be either "-default-compile-out-" if you want the output file name to be the same as the input, just with a
.ksm extension, or a file path.
The second argument should be false, because if the file was prevously compiled, you want to compile it again.
The third argument should be the path of the file you are trying to compile
If you are trying to load a .ks or .ksm file:
The first argument should be Null
The second argument should probably be true, although if you want it to be run a second time if you load it twice, then it should be false
The third argument should be the path of the file you are trying to load