Hello World

Following in the footsteps of the official kOS KerboScript tutorials, the first thing that you will learn is how to print "Hello world"

There is some boilerplate (template) code that one must always write to create an executable program in KASM:

Start off by creating a new file called hello.kasm wherever you would like.

Then write the following lines:

.global _start


This is actually the smallest valid KASM program that one can write.

Code Breakdown

.global _start

This declares a global symbol called _start. _start is a special symbol name that is reserved for a function. This function is where the program starts, hence the name. This must be global or else the linker will not be able to find it and will give you an error.


This declares a function, named _start which only contains one instruction: eop

eop tells kOS that the code is over, and this instruction should always go at the end of your _start function. Otherwise, strange and difficult to debug things happen.

Now we can resume writing our hello world program!

All we do is add the following four lines inside of our _start:

push @
push "Hello world!"
call #, "print()"

When calling a function in KASM, there are two ways to do it:

For functions that you have created:

call func_name, #


call #, "func_name()"

The above syntax is used when calling built-in kOS functions. There will be a list of those at the end of the tutorials list.

When calling built-in functions, if they are not meant to return any value to you, such as print(), then they return a NULL value.

In order for the stack to not be filled up with them we add a pop instruction after call to just throw it away.

Both ways of calling a function require you to push your arguments onto the stack before you call it.

First we push @ to push a function argument marker which just is there to mark the end of the arguments to a function. Remember push adds things to the top of the stack.

So when we next say push "Hello world!" with actually pushes the string we want to print onto the stack.

The stack now has our string, and our argument marker. Then call is called.

Final code

The final code to print out hello world onto the screen in kOS is:

.global _start

    push @
    push "Hello world!"
    call #, "print()"

Feel free to replace the string "Hello world!" with whatever you want.

You can even replace the string entirely, print() prints numbers and booleans as well.

Using the code

In order to get this code into a format kOS can use, we have to run these two commands:

kasm -o hello_world.ko hello_world.kasm
kld -o hello_world.ksm hello_world.ko

Now you have a file named hello_world.ksm that you can put into your Ships/Script folder that you can run in kOS by typing:

RUN hello_world.ksm.

See how to run KASM and the KLinker Docs if you are confused.