Expressions can be used in KASM in place of constants, when it is more convenient to do so.
In KASM, expressions either produce an integer, a double, or a boolean value. An integer is not allowed to be used in place of a boolean, nor a double. Nor a boolean in place of either.
Supported Operations
- - Negate, flips the sign of a number
- ~ Flips all of the bits in a given number/value
- ! Not, flips a boolean value. If it was true, now it is false, and vice-versa
- + Addition
- - Subtraction
- * Multiplication
- / Division
- % Modulus (remainder operator)
- == Equals
- != Does not equal
- < Less than
- <= Less than or equal
- > Greater than
- >= Greater than or equal
- && - Logical And
- || - Logical Or
In KASM, values can be provided in a few forms.
For integers, hex, decimal, and binary literals are all supported:
push 24
push 0x18
push 0b0001_1000 ; Could also be written as 0b00011000
In Practice
Expressions can be used for any instruction operand that supports the type that is produced when the expression is evaluated
push 2 + 2
pushv (5.0 / 2.0) > 2.0
push 4
pushv true
Expressions become more useful when introducing macros in future sections.