Static Libraries

Static libraries are collections of code that are put all into one file, but can be written in multiple files. They allow you to reuse code that you have already assembled using KASM, so that you don't need to run it each time.

This is where global and external symbols come into play.

Let's say we have the function from last time called add_two, but we want to put it with a bunch of other math functions (for some reason) so we put it in a file called math.kasm:


    ret 0

And this is where we call it:


.global _start

    push @
    push 2
    push 3
    call add_two, #
    call #, "print()"

If you tried to assemble main.kasm as-is, it would give you the following error:

error: instruction references symbol `add_two`, that does not exist
 -->  main.kasm:8:4
8 |     call add_two, #
  |     ^^^^

The file main.kasm has no way of knowing that the function add_two actually exists in another file, it assumes you will write it in the same file, which we did not.

So you need to tell KASM that it will exist in another file, that it will be "external" to this file.

Therefore we use the .extern keyword to declare add_two as external:

.global _start
.extern .func add_two

You note that you also have to specify the type of add_two as a function.

main.kasm will now assemble! But if you try to run kld like in the past to turn it in to a .ksm file, you will get an error:

Unresolved external symbol error. External symbol "add_two" has no definition

It says we never defined add_two, and that is because we never actually added the code for it!

In order to do that, we need to assemble the file we put add_two in:

kasm -o math.ko math.kasm

Now we have math.ko, which we can pass to the linker at the same time as main.ko:

kld -o program.ksm main.ko add.ko

Although... this will give you the same error as before, and that is because we never told KASM to make add_two available to other files. By default KASM makes every function you have local, so that in theory you can name a function the same thing twice, and as long as they are local to two different files, then it will work as expected, each will call their own version, and you won't have to make two different names for them.

To tell KASM to make a function "global" to be seen by other files, we use the .global keyword:

.global add_two

    ret 0

Now we have told KASM to make add_two global. So now if we run:

kasm -o math.ko math.kasm
kld -o program.ksm main.ko math.ko

It will not give us an error! And it will work as expected.

You can add as many static libraries as you want to a program, by specifying each one to kld:

kld -o complex.ksm math.ko main.ko draw.ko files.ko otherstuff.ko ...

This will make one giant file named complex.ksm that will have all of the code it needs in it.

There are certain times though, that may not want to have one large file, but instead split it up into multiple files, that we could even possible switch out with future versions and the program that relies on it doesn't need to be recompiled, a good example would be how regular KerboScript deals with functions in other files.

This is where shared libraries come in.