Single-Line Macros


Single-line macros are defined using the .define directive:

.define NUM         25

This creates a macro called NUM that has the value of 25.

Single-line macros are more powerful than this though, and support expressions:

.define OTHERNUM    NUM + 5

Now OTHERNUM would be defined as NUM plus 5.

So if NUM were redefined later to be 10:

.define NUM         10

It would change the value of OTHERNUM because these values are found at invocation time, or when the macro is actually run.

A long example is:

.define NUM         25
.define OTHERNUM    NUM + 5


.define NUM         10



push 30

push 15

Not only is this useful for helpful constants, but they can be used with more than just constants:

.define PUSH2      push 2



push 2


Single-line macros can take arguments as well:

.define a(x) 1 + b(x)
.define b(x) 2 * x

push a(2)


push 5

Definitions can have multiple arguments like so:

.define f(x, y) x + y * y

Undefinition and Overloading

It is also possible to undefine a defintion using the .undef directive:

.undef f 2

Note that the number of arguuments that the macro takes needs to follow it. Not specifying a value defaults the number of arguments to 0.

Single-line macros can be overloaded, meaning that two macros can have the same name as long as they have different numbers of arguments:

.define f(x) x + 2
.define f(x, y) x + y

This is valid and will not cause a conflict. Which macro gets expanded depends on the number of arguments. Hence why the .undef directive requires the number of arguments to be specified: so that it knows which one to undefine.